Technology PopUps
Seniors on a Mission has launched a new beginners technology program helping senior adults learn how to better use their cell phones and tablets. We call these sessions “Technology PopUps”, and they are free to senior adults.
We truly are excited about the possibility of partnering with you to enrich the lives of the seniors in your congregation or community.

When Senior Adults participate in a PopUp:
Seniors meet at the Mobile Unit parked in their immediate community.
Typically, one Technology PopUp is scheduled per week.
Senior Adults need to sign up in advance to participate.
Each senior can have a 45-minute session, one-on-one instruction regarding their Apple or Android handheld device (phone or tablet).
Technology PopUp Schedule:
45-minute Sessions
10:00 & 11:00 AM (3-4 Senior Adults per slot)
12:30, 1:30, 2:30 PM (3-4 Senior Adults per slot)
For more information, please contact
Howard McMinn at (904) 258-1075.

Hosting a Technology PopUp:
If you would like your church or business to be a partnering service location in your immediate community, this is what you would supply:
Clear, safe, flat, paved space for a 40’ Mobile Unit to park from 9am - 4pm on a weekday.
Use of your bathroom facilities.
Provide lunch at 11:50am for (4-5) SoaM Mobile Tech Staff.
Please consider a donation to our gas fund. Suggested at $250+.